Can I Access God For Myself?
One of the questions that seem to plague many Christians today is the question of access to God Himself. The answer is YES! I have myself at one time wondered why did God need a mediator between Himself and us? Of course I learned as time progressed that this only supposed to be in place until Jesus came to die for us on the cross and pay the heavy price of sin for us all. One thing that happened that signified the change from needing priest to represent us and going to God directly involved the curtain being torn in the temple at the moment of Christ's death on the cross. During the lifetime of Jesus, the holy temple in Jerusalem was the center of Jewish religious life not unlike how our churches are for us today. The temple was the place where animal sacrifices were carried out and worship according to the Law of Moses was followed faithfully. Hebrews 9:1-9 tells us that in the temple a veil separated the Holy of Holies—the earthly dwelling place of God’s presence—from the res...