Conversation with a Catholic Webmaster, Part II
Continuing from an earlier post I have had more conversations with a Catholic webmaster who challenged me and wanted to tout catholic doctrine above all others. Here is the email thread: So after many replies John replied to me: I suggest you read [the] book THE BIBLICAL BASIS FOR THE PAPACY for starters, in which you will learn that ALL of the early Church Fathers held to the Catholic view of the Papacy. And in [the] latest book THE BIBLICAL BASIS FOR TRADITION which came out last week, [There is] an entire chapter on the Fathers with hundreds of quotes from them proving historically that they not only believed in the papacy and the primacy of the Roman Church, but also apostolic succession, baptismal regeneration, the sacrifice of the Mass, the real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, oral apostolic Tradition, intercessory prayer, Purgatory, and a whole host of other Catholic doctrines which would force any honest non-Catholic to reconsider his position. There are simply hundre...