Responding To Gays Being Pastors
In my meanderings online I saw a post that showed two women as a Pastor and "First Lady" which in years past would have caused me to be angry or appalled at the thought and I would begin to say things from the flesh about it. I still don't agree with homosexuals serving in positions of spiritual leadership and I never will accept it. However, when I saw this post at first I wanted to comment, but then I asked God for His revelation and His Words... This is what I shared: I have been quiet because I didn't want to speak without guidance from God so... Regardless of the sin, regardless of the condition anyone living in open rebellion to the Word of God cannot and must not serve in a pastoral capacity. I love everyone regardless of who and what they are as the Bible says that "Love covers a multitude of sins" but nowhere does love excuse or forgive sin. We have to be careful with that word judge. Judging is dangerous by mere human means and to these women in ...