A Very Delicate Subject
Over the next few posts I will be covering a subject very dear to me, but if I cover it I will be labeled a bigot, a discriminant and completely uncouth. However, it is necessary for the illumination of the scriptures to those who are rapidly spinning out of control towards a Godless Hell. People a truly headed toward an end that they will not expect and that the great deceiver who is the adversary has plotted since his removal from the heavenly hosts. Let me begin by saying that I am not a hate-monger nor am I advocating anyone who is a "hater" and a bigot, but the truth of the Word of God is indeed the truth no matter how you stretch it. If what the Bible says is offensive to you I suggest that you inquire with its ultimate author God.. Now to the difficult task at hand... There is a religious system that began at Babel shortly after the flood. Nimrod, the mighty one, established his kingdom and built many great cities. One of these was Babel, which later...