A Very Delicate Subject

Over the next few posts I will be covering a subject very dear to me, but if I cover it I will be labeled a bigot, a discriminant and completely uncouth. However, it is necessary for the illumination of the scriptures to those who are rapidly spinning out of control towards a Godless Hell. People a truly headed toward an end that they will not expect and that the great deceiver who is the adversary has plotted since his removal from the heavenly hosts.

Let me begin by saying that I am not a hate-monger nor am I advocating anyone who is a "hater" and a bigot, but the truth of the Word of God is indeed the truth no matter how you stretch it. If what the Bible says is offensive to you I suggest that you inquire with its ultimate author God.. Now to the difficult task at hand...

There is a religious system that  began at Babel shortly after the flood. Nimrod, the mighty one, established his kingdom and built many great cities. One of these was Babel, which later became Babylon (Genesis 10:8-9). Nimrod, whose very name means "he rebelled"; begun a false religion; which consisted of the worship of the heavens (sky and space, including the host there of: sun, moon, stars, etc.). Genesis chapter 11 tells the story of the tower of Babel (the pagans used the high places as places of worship in this satanic religion). We see God ended their one world order, and scattered the people; But by this the false religion spread all over the world.

Through the study of ancient records found in the unearthed remains of the biblical city Nineveh, we learn that their first ruler, whom they called Ninus (Nimrod), was deified after death by his wife, Queen Semiramis. Nimrod became known as the sun god. Baal, which is found through out the bible, is another name for this sun god. Later we learn that Semiramis was deified as the Queen of Heaven, and her son, Tammuz became the savior in this religion. Baal is called different names, in different languages. The Shechemites called him BaalBerith; the Ekronites called him Baalzebub; the Phoenician called him Baalim, the moabitish called him Baalpeor; the Babylonians called him Bel; we also can find where he is called Milcom and Molech(1st Kings 11:5-7). Greeks and Romans called him Jupiter, Saturn, Mithra and Janus.

Other names for Semiramis were Ashtoreth in the Sidonian tongue, and Ashtoroth in the Phoenician's. In Jeremiah 7:18 she is called the queen of Heaven. Romans called her Venus or Cybele. The Ephesians called her Dianna. We can find both Baal and Ashtoreth together in Judges 10:6, 1st Samuel 7:4, and 1st Samuel 12:10. In Acts 19:27-35 we see them as Jupiter and Dianna.

Tammuz is mentioned in Ezekiel 8:14; and is believed to be called Malcham in Zephaniah 1:4-5, and Chemosh by the Moabites. (see 1st Kings 11:5-7). He is also called Cupid and Hercules.

In the Mysteries of Babylon (the religion of Baal), the high priest or Pontifex Maximuz, was considered the representative of god on earth; and fulfilled both the duties of high priest and king in the same manner Nimrod did. For example in Egypt, which was fully given to the Mysteries, the Pharaoh (king) was considered a god-man; the incarnation of Re (Baal) on earth. In Babylon, the king also filled the position of Pontifex Maximuz. In fact king Nebuchadnezzar's grandchild, Belshazzar was the last to hold the title in the kingdom of Babylon (Daniel 5). After Belshazzar's death, scholars say, the Mysteries of Babylon continued in its entirety in Pergamos, a city of Asia minor. Pergamos's very name means 'fortified tower'. Christ made references to the Mysteries, their 'Pontifex Maximuz' and their increasing in influence in the church during the first century. In his letter to the church of Pergamos he states; "I know thy works, where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat (Throne) is”, "wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth" Revelation 2:13. Christ makes it very clear here, that what he considers as the 'Throne of Satan' was located in Pergamos. How can we be sure that the 'Throne' is speaking of the 'Pontifex Maximus' of Baal worship? Verse 14 states "But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Ba'laam," we know that Balaam was a prophet of Baal (Numbers 22:41).

From Pergamos, the Mysteries migrated to Rome {namely in the form of the 'Mithra' occult} Where the title of 'Pontifex Maximuz' was common well before the time of Christ. The term Petr-Roma was also given to the 'Pontifex'. Pronounced, Peter Rome, the Pontifex was seen as the grand "interpreter" of the Roman Mysteries. Thus, nothing more natural could be considered than the bestowing of the keys of Janus (Baal) and Cybele (Ashtoreth) to the one man who was able to open the dark secrets of the Mysteries.

In 431 A.D. the Pope broadly declared his pre-eminence, as the holder of the keys of Peter. It was claimed then as it is now that the Apostle Peter, the Apostle of the Jews 'Circumcised' (Galatians 2:7), set upon a throne in Rome, and gave his authority and the keys of heaven to the Roman church. This fact less claim, raised the Pope to the Position of 'Pontifex Maximuz' and finished the foundation of the Mysteries which began to be laid by Constantine in 325 A.D.

I am a believer in the Bible. Clear and concise as it is it has never needed any extra interpretation or addition. I challenge any seeker to go to http://www.bible.cc and do a search on the words "pope", "eucharist", "purgatory", "rosary" or "mediatrix". You won't find them in any translation EVEN the catholic bible! Doesn't this seem a bit odd? If Jesus wanted us to follow these traditions or practices would they not be listed or spoken by Jesus DIRECTLY? when the temple curtain was torn into two it symbolizes that god is open to all. There is openness in Jesus and not a cloud shrouded in mystery. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit  would live in us as Jesus lived amongst the Apostles. 

I challenge anyone who is in a system that adds to or contradicts the Bible. If any system states that their traditions or practices are equal to the Word of God is not of God. Sorry, but it is true. Look at these examples and see what the Bible says:

Roman Catholic Doctrines and Practices Contradicted by the Bible

(a) A sacrifice for sins, versus Hebrews 10:11-17, 7:27; Romans 6:9-10; Hebrews 9:11-12, 22-28; I Peter 3:18. 
(b) Eating and drinking the literal body and blood of Christ versus Matthew 24:23; Exodus 20:13; Acts 15:20; Isaiah 44:14-20; Acts 17:24-25, 19:26; John 10:9, 15:5, 6:63; Jeremiah 15:16. 

Priests and nuns vow never to marry versus I Timothy 3:2-6, 3:12, 4:1-3; Matthew 8:14; I Corinthians 9:5; Ephesians 5:31-32; Acts 21:8-9. 

Jeremiah 7:18, 44:17, 25. 

MARY, MEDIATRIX -- I Timothy 3:5; Matthew 11:28; John 14:13-14; I Kings 8:39; II Chronicles 6:30; Ecc. 9:6. 
MARY, SINLESS -- Luke 1:46-47, 2:22-24 (a 'sin sacrifice'); Romans 3:23, 3:10-19. 
MARY, EVER VIRGIN -- Matthew 1:25, 13:55-56, 12:46; Mark 6:3; John 2:12; Acts: 1:14; Mark 3:31. 
MARY, WORSHIP -- Romans 1:25; Isaiah 42:8; Luke 2:48-49; Mark 3:31-33; John 2:2-4, 7:10. 
MARY, CO-REDEMPTRIX -- Acts 4:12; John 14:6; Romans 5:17; I John 2:1-2; Hebrews 7:25; John 10:1,9; Psalms 146:5, 71:5; Jeremiah 17:7; Joel 3:16; I Timothy 1:1; Colossians 1:27; I Peter 1:21; Hebrews 7:25. 
MARY, MOTHER OF GOD -- Matthew 12:46-50; Mark 8: 19-21; Acts 1:14; John 2:3-4. 

versus God, Christ the Rock .. Deuteronomy. 32:3, 4, 15, 18, 31; I Samuel 2:2; II Samuel 22:47; Psalms 18:31, 28:1, 62:2, 94:22; Matthew 16:23; I Corinthians 10:4; I Peter 2:6-8; I Corinthians 3:11; Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:20; Matthew 21:42. 

versus I Timothy 4:1-3; Galatians 4:9-11; Colossians 2:20-22. 

versus Psalms 32:5; Revelation 14:12; Luke 18:14; Isaiah 55:7; Acts 8:22; Ezra 10:11; I John 1:9; Psalms 32:5; I Timothy 2:5; I John 2:1-2. 

versus I John 1:7; Hebrews 1:1-3; John 14:1-6; Romans 8:38; II Timothy 1:12; II Corinthians 5:8; Luke 23:43; Revelation 5:91 

versus Matthew 6:7. 

versus Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 10:9-13; John 3:16, 3:36, 5:24; Acts 16:31; II John 5:10-13; Galatians 2:16; Romans 3:27, 4:2, 4:6, 11:6; Galatians 2:16, 3:2, 3:5, 3:10; Titus 3:4-7; Galatians 3:24-25; I Peter 1:18-23. 

versus Matthew 23:9. 

versus Exodus 20:4-5; Deuteronomy 4:16; Isaiah 42:8, 44:9; Leviticus 26:1; Deuteronomy 4:23. 

versus Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18; Galatians 2:11; II Corinthians 11:5, 12:11, 11:28; Luke 22:24; Matthew 20:25-27; Acts 5:13-19; II Thessalonians 2:3, 2:4, 2:9-12; I John 2:18: Revelation 13:18. 

versus Matthew 15:3; Mark 7:7-8; Colossians 3:8. 

versus II Corinthians 6:2; John 3:18, 3:36; Proverbs 29:1; Jeremiah 7:16. 

versus Hebrews 8:4; Ephesians 4:11; Hebrews 4:14-15, 7:26, 8:1; Matthew 24:4-5, 23-24; 23:9-23. 

versus Isaiah 8:20; Deuteronomy 17:19; Joshua 1:8; Isaiah 34:16; John 5:39; Acts 17:11; II Timothy 2:15; Romans 15:4; Psalms 119:11, 103; II Timothy 3:15-16; Colossians 3:16; Psalms 119:105,130,72,97,140; Jeremiah 15:16; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12; Psalms 119:9 John 15:3, 17:17, 20:31; Deuteronomy 11:19; II Chronicles 17:9; Matthew 22:29; Isaiah 30:9; Hosea 4:6; Amos 2:4; Mark 7:9; Revelation 22:18-19.

I implore anyone who is not saved or sure of where you will spend eternity please ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and that you wish Him to be the Lord of your life. No matter what you've done and no matter what you've been you are forgivable and Jesus will accept you back as His own. We all have to come to Jesus as broken and flawed as we are because He knows this and still loves us! No sinner's prayer and no pomp and circumstance. Just a one-to-one conversation with Jesus. Find a church that is focused on the Bible and not religion and then begin to read that same Bible like your life depended on it. Trust me, if you really want Jesus to live in and through you He will do just that.

God Bless You All!


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