Misunderstood Scriptures

I was reading online this morning about tattoos and the still yet ongoing debate about whether Christians should have them or not and it really struck me that there are so many scriptures quoted and used as doctrine, but are out of context and actually misused much like Leviticus 19:28.

There are many things that I don't necessarily support, but are used to imprison God's people in a framework that is designed around the opinions of one person or a small group to suit their needs. This is not how the Bible should be used and interpreted because it ultimately causes division in the body of Christ. I'd like to take some time and review some really big scriptures used that are out of context, but should be between you, God and no one else.

Leviticus 19:28 - Tattoos

If we were to read the entire chapter we will see that this verse in a long list of do's and don't was referring to the actions that the Canaanites did as the Israelites were conquering their land. Even though that land was promised they had to possess it. While possessing it they ran into peoples and cultures that God wasn't pleased with. It was common practice for them to "mark their bodies” in honor of the dead and other cultic practices. God wanted to keep the Israelites from turning from Him and to these other religious practices (since they were very impressionable after not really seeing many other peoples for over 40 years in the desert) so He had to lay out these do's and don'ts. If you read that chapter you will also see that it was also a sin to trim your beards!

Deuteronomy 22:5 - Women & Pants

This is a hotly debated subject in many churches around our country. The verse forbids a woman wearing a man's clothing and a man wearing a woman's clothing. This is a cultural thing that needs to be understood as such. Everyone wore robes back then, but the differences were in the fabrics or head coverings. Even today women's clothes have buttons that go a different way than a man's, pockets, zippers and fasteners different than a man's wardrobe which is different according to our culture. It's easy to spot a man wearing a woman's blouse or jeans also by the way they are shaped and cut to the buttons and fasteners. The same applies with women wearing a man's shirt, etc. So am I to take that the Scots and their kilts are in sin because what they wear look like skirts? No... It's ridiculous and silly to say women can't wear pants just because they resemble a garment worn for two legs. A Mercedes and a Kia resemble each other in that they are cars with four tires, doors, lights, windows, etc. They are different by the size, style, fit and finish of these basic attributes and are very different.

Various (Pick One) - No Alcohol

Scripture has much to say regarding the drinking of alcohol (Leviticus 10:9; Numbers 6:3; Deuteronomy 29:6; Judges 13:4, 7, 14; Proverbs 20:1; 31:4; Isaiah 5:11, 22; 24:9; 28:7; 29:9; 56:12). However, Scripture does not necessarily forbid a Christian from drinking beer, wine, or any other drink containing alcohol. In fact, some Scriptures discuss alcohol in positive terms. Ecclesiastes 9:7 instructs, “Drink your wine with a merry heart.” Psalm 104:14-15 states that God gives wine “that makes glad the heart of men.” Amos 9:14 discusses drinking wine from your own vineyard as a sign of God’s blessing. Isaiah 55:1 encourages, “Yes, come buy wine and milk…” What God commands Christians regarding alcohol is to avoid drunkenness (Ephesians 5:18). The Bible condemns drunkenness and its effects (Proverbs 23:29-35). Christians are also commanded to not allow their bodies to be “mastered” by anything (1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Peter 2:19). Drinking alcohol in excess is undeniably addictive. Scripture also forbids a Christian from doing anything that might offend other Christians or encourage them to sin against their conscience (1 Corinthians 8:9-13). In light of these principles, it would be extremely difficult for any Christian to say he is drinking alcohol in excess to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

I Timothy 2:9 - Women's "Modest" Apparel

The question of proper dress for women has been of interest to many. Actually, God's guidelines regarding clothing and dress are very general. God expects Christian women to dress in "modest apparel, with propriety and moderation (discretion, margin)” —that is, in clothes that are not flamboyant and garish. A Christian woman should not be an "exhibitionist" in attracting undue attention to herself by wearing clothing that is provocative, suggestive, or outrageous. By the same token, this does not mean that Christian women should be drab, colorless, or tasteless dressers. A Christian is to be a light to the world (Matthew 5:14-16), an example of balance and good taste. We should not be so out of step with the fashions of society that we stand out like the proverbial "sore thumb." Clothes can be fashionable without being immodest or peculiar. Apparel should be appropriate for the occasion—decent swimsuits for the beach, jeans for yard work, and usually a dress or other nicer outfit for special occasions. A Christian woman should especially strive to look nice for her husband and family. The "meek and quiet spirit" of a truly converted Christian woman will be reflected in the kind of clothing she selects (I Peter 3:1-4). She will wear what is appropriate and stylish for any given occasion, but with proper modesty and decorum. And God will look on the heart of such a woman with approval.

II Corinthians 6:14-18 - Christians & Sinners Can't Mix

This verse is a major divider among Christians today. True, we as Christians cannot be so much with sinners that no one can tell the difference. We cannot do what they do, neither act the way they act nor can we be the way they are. However, in order to reach the lost we must be the hands and feet of God and go find them and bring them to an understanding that allows them to choose whom they will serve. When I go out with unsaved people they know that I'm saved yet they know that I don't wave a Bible at them and tell them that they are wrong. No, I show them Christ's Love and I show how different I am to them which causes them to ask me why I am the way I am. Keep in mind that I never go among sinners to reach them unless God has granted me permission to go. Seek God and He will guide you on where and with whom to go. Just be sociable and know your limits as to how you can relate to people and yourself. Don't ever put yourself in harm's way that could cause you to fall into sin.

Malachi 3:8 - Tithing

Very often, this question has been asked by well-meaning Christians who are plagued by the torrents of appeal from churches for funds. Thrown into these appeals is the standard request to pay your tithes and offerings. Let me say from the very beginning that there is a distinct difference between giving to God and giving to "the church". Giving to God is a scriptural concept (Matt 22:21); Giving to "the church" could just be an emotional response to a well-orchestrated man-made appeal which is out of God's Will and God's Word. So it is important for us to study God's Word so that we are able to discern whether funds being solicited in a particular church are based on sound New Testament Scriptural principles. Prayer is the other means of helping to discern God's Will in a particular area of financial need (of such a church). So no matter what anyone else tells you what you give may be ten percent or more. Well, it may even be less, but give as the Holy Spirit directs your heart; NOT AS THE PASTOR DIRECTS YOU. This is the distinct difference between giving to God and giving to the church.

There are many more, but it could take weeks to cover them all. My point is when are we going to allow people who want answers from God get them from God? Jesus said if we ask we will receive, seek and we will find and knock and the door will be opened. Why then are we so quick to tell someone a "truth" that we've been told versus telling them to earnestly seek God and He (since He wrote it He should know) will give the answer?

There is only one truth and that's God's truth! We as people need to help others by pointing out the Bible says this, but you should really pray and ask God for yourself too for an answer. Many times people interpret the Bible in a way that conforms to how they live and how they walk their Christian path. They preach for people to avoid their weaknesses and to do what they do in their lives and their families as "holy behavior". To me this is a form of godliness!

Now, for the record I am not saying anything goes! The Bible is more than clear on what sin is and what is not. Mankind needs to seek God, the author of the Bible, for answers of interpretation. That's why God sent the Holy Spirit to use to be our teacher and guide! This is why the temple curtain was split open! We can seek God for forgiveness and for answers!

Many have been hurt and judged because of scripture. More people have been punished or killed in the name of God. Today we are keeping people away from Jesus based on what we think they are based on appearances only. So what if a person who is covered with tattoos, but truly saved is called to be a preacher? So what if the "town whore" comes to your church and gets saved and now wants to go back and preach to other prostitutes? So what that an ex-con who went to jail for murder, gets saved and now is effective in youth ministry?

So many people are judged and hurt be the Bible being taken out of context. That's why the Bible says to study to show yourselves a proven disciple of God correctly interpreting His Word! It’s like a 5th grader who finds a stone arrowhead and can spell archeologist now believes that they can supervise a dig and prepare specimens for a museum! Ridiculous right?
Well, there are many Christians running around with a few key verses and don't even know their true meaning, but yet they thump their Bibles and proclaim to know the whole truth! Amazing right? Sadly, it’s more prevalent than you think. I wish that I could reach every person hurt by an uninformed Christian and show them the love of Christ and point them to God the way it should be: prayer and study.

If you have been hurt by a Christian please contact me via email and I will do all I can to help you! God bless you all!


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