A Word About The End Times

As I listen to the messages and ministries of many churches across our great land I very rarely hear any messages concerning the End of Days and how close we are to them beginning. Although this subject to many is a very confusing and seemingly mystic subject it is what each of us has to know not to understand it, but to avoid it.

This post won't be laden full of scriptures and scary images I promise you, but I will say this: Everything that is happening now has been written in the Bible many years before it happened. The instability of the Middle East started with two half-brothers Ishmael & Isaac. Both are sons of Abraham and both are heirs to his legacy. These branches of Abraham are the Arabs and the Jews. Both took two very different paths yet they both claim the same prize: Jerusalem.

Let me in on a well-know secret: There will not be peace in the Middle East or the world sadly until after Jesus returns for His Church and millions of Christians and innocent children will vanish from the Earth. The Antichrist (the devil in the flesh) will rise on the world stage with the answer for peace. After millions go missing every nation will be panicked and paranoid and this one man will have the charisma, power and influence to finally bring the world together.

With the true christians gone who would oppose? Those churches who condone sin and are "open" to accepting everything will flourish. This Antichrist will influence people all over that all religions are in fact from one root and the eucemenical movement will convene in one religion to unite the world versus divide it. That one-world religion has already started.

All governments will converge and with that the currencies will become one too. Peace will last for three and a half years and then it will all fall apart and the worst things to ever happen on Earth will happen. Billions will die from disasters and war. The Antichrist will go to the newly rebuilt temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and proclaim that he's more than a man... He's god in the flesh and that its time to do things his way.

The story continues, but my point is this... Why would anyone want to live during that time anyway? It is optional to live through those horrible years because you can make a choice to accept Jesus now and be with Him when He comes back for His Church. To be honest people really don't have to know all the end times details as long as they are ready for the return of Jesus Christ! There is an urgency for people to get it right with God and become His servant. Many churches preach prosperity, good living or miracles which is great and needed. However people need the whole meal to be nourished and that includes the End of Days.

Jesus wants all to be saved and doesn't want anyone to experience those horrible days after the rapture (or taking away) and He has laid out a way for all to escape. He came and died for us so that we could enter Heaven. He died for the liar, murderer, gay, straight... You name it! The only thing we must do is accept Him into our hearts and live for Him. We must live a life away from sin and be made new. This means live a life that is spelled out in the Bible. This same Bible tells us that liars, murderers, cheaters, sexually immoral people (this includes practicing cheaters, pedophiles, gays and many more) will never see heaven.

If we love Jesus we must live the way He wants us. Its not hard if He truly lives in us. These "churches" that allow everything are not true churches of God. Neither are churches who preach that no one else but them are saved are either. Religion is a farce. A myth and a tool of bondage that has enslaved many. Jesus came to destroy religion and wants a relationship with each and everyone of us directly. We don't need a pastor, priest, bishop, pope or the virgin mary to be in communion with Jesus.

When Jesus died the massive curtain that separated the place where God would occupy in the temple from everyone but the priests was torn in the middle. This signified that God was to no longer be separated from us by a mediator, but would be available to all. These times have many believing that there are many ways to God and that they are the right way. Why not seek Jesus for yourself and ask Him? No, they want people to go through them and that's exactly why Jesus came! To set the captives free also can mean from religion!

Accept Jesus today as your savior and get a relationship with Him. Its important that you have an experience that is on Jesus and not on a feeling or another mediator. Jesus stands alone as our savior and we need to believe and know this. Find a church that is about a solid relationship and isn't afraid to preach about sin or hell. They should not use fear, but faith and love to get their message across. Most importantly know that if you call out to Jesus and know He's hearing you He will answer and guide you.

Friend, Jesus loves you no matter what you've done. He doesn't care what you are doing now, but He wants to receive you, forgive you and renew your mind and life. You are not too bad, too mean, too much of a criminal or too gay for Jesus to want you. When He died I'm sure that He saw your face and where you are right now. People judge you and condemn you, but Jesus never has and never will. He loves you and wants to see you saved. Give your life to Jesus today and He will change everything and make sure that hell is not your home. Message me if you want to know more because Jesus changed my life many years ago and I know that He can change you too!


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