A Word On The Dangers Of Church Culture

I am really saddened by a lot of things that have been going on in the Body of Christ that I have experienced lately. I had to take a break from writing for a while just to get a real handle on what’s going on and how to address it. The need is so great to get the message out that the God of the Bible is the one and true God and that Jesus Christ is His Son is coming to a breaking point. So many people are avoiding becoming a Christian because of the actions of a few Christians or because of the many misconceptions that plague the real and true Christians out there.

There are so many horror stories and so little time to write about them all in great detail. I’ve personally been to many churches of many kinds and denominations and I see a really disturbing trend in many of them which is their culture. You must dress a certain way, act a certain way to be holy, engage only certain people or identify yourself in public a certain way and none of these ways are concretely spelled out by scripture. There are people in churches like these who live in constant fear of “breaking the rules” set by their Pastor, Bishop or Overseer and these rules are not spelled out in the scriptures, but are based on conjecture and the personal preferences of a leader.

Legalist proponents would tell you things such as: Women can’t wear pants, women should look plain and basically be homely, and Christians shouldn’t ever associate with non-Christians unless you’re shoving a tract at them, and that only hymns are Godly music. Yes, there has to be a standard, but the Bible is an “Every Generation Word” as Ecclesiastes says that there is NOTHING new under the sun. Most of these legalisms are the preferences of some church or denominational leader who is imposing their weaknesses, their opinions and their judgments on a whole group of people. THIS is wrong. The Word of God should be the only standard and who ever said that what came from the lips of God needed ANY man or woman’s opinion and interpretation? It speaks for itself and if anyone wants to understand the Word pray and seek God and HE will deliver the answers to you!

It disturbs me greatly to see Christians who are more imprisoned in church that when they were sinners. The Bible says that we are to be in the world, but not OF THE WORLD. For greater is HE that is in ME than he that is in the world! Oh yeah, and by the way being a “Peculiar People” is not being WEIRD or so different that people can pick you out of a line up. When the King James translators used the word “peculiar” in 1 Peter 2:9, identifying Christians as a “peculiar people”, this is not what they had in mind. According to A. T. Robertson, the word “peculiar” comes from the Latin word, “pecus” which means “flock”. The KJV translators were simply reflecting the idea that believers in Christ are the unique possession of God — they are His flock. Not weirdoes who greet everyone with “Praise The Lord” or every conversation with them (including what brand of gasoline they use) always gets somehow referenced to a scripture and that if you aren’t like them you are doomed to Hell. Basically, churches like that are low-level CULTS.

Many venerate a leader to near godhood while decreeing that failure to follow their teaching or staying within their community is grounds for banishment! Others want you to subscribe to invasive practices such as reviewing your financials to make sure you are giving properly or having “sponsors” basically follow you around and spy on you to see that you are “living up to church standards” and chastise you if you “step out of line” or falter. How are they better than the Holy Spirit who guides our hearts and minds? Who are they that they believe that they can be a personal standard for someone else when they have to mind their own lives? Let me sum it up for you: It’s CONTROL. These churches seek to manipulate allegiance, money and time from people using fear and control! They basically enforce the fact that if you don’t do it their way that they won’t love you anymore! What foolishness! Jesus didn’t do it and neither will I!

A particular church that I know of has been persecuting people who “left” their ministry and started other ministries that are not affiliated with theirs based on control and erroneous principles. People in their ministry are told not to affiliate with the “deserters” because their “spirit of rebellion” might come on them and cause them to stray away too. What? Let’s review… If a Pastor is called by God to leave (and YES they did try on good terms) and start a work with God’s direction WHO CAN SAY that they are rebelling against God and their ministry because they are obedient to instruction from a higher authority? They aren’t God! They are servants too and the scripture says that the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few so… What’s the problem here? They are…

Jesus came so that we might receive His gift of salvation FREELY and not under duress. Jesus NEVER intimidated anyone to follow Him or follow His Way. Jesus showed love and compassion and let people choose. He didn’t run down the rich man who refused to sell all he had and give to the poor did He? No. Jesus knows that the Word is strong enough to stand alone and not need to prey on people to believe or follow it! The Bible is a very specific book when it comes to everything that needs to be addressed. Sin isn’t vague, holiness isn’t vague, doctrine isn’t vague and speaking of Hell isn’t vague. Things that really matter are explicitly covered. Clothing, music and recreation are NOT covered. Go look. I haven’t seen it ANYWHERE in the Bible. Why do churches enforce it? Because it’s THEIR OPINION. If it isn’t in the Bible then it truly is up to the Holy Spirit as to what to do. He can speak for Himself and can dictate what is right and what is wrong.

This leads me to my last point about this subject… Total Manipulation. Many churches don’t want or like when you as a congregant read and study the Bible independently of their ideals and their teaching. If a church tells you to use THEIR study guides or THEIR literature or read THEIR approved authors ONLY is a ministry you need to watch out for! Any Christian should be under guidance of Elders so don’t get me wrong… There must be instruction, BUT they must also be ENCOURAGED to seek God on their own and the guidance of the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truths! We all need to be taught, but we all must be free to ask God our questions in prayer and study too! If a ministry discourages this I’d really begin to pray and ask God if they are truly called by Him!

Jesus is Love. He only used love and He only worked in love even if it was tough love.  He never scared or manipulated ANYONE and He preached against the Pharisees and Sadducees that did that with the Law. Churches need to operate in love and preach love as well as sin and holiness without manipulating people into a dogma or system. God doesn’t need us to do that when He is all and all and can speak and act for Himself. Just be wise and watchful and realize that God leaves the door open for us to enter in if WE CHOOSE TO and not make us feel that if we don’t that He won’t love us. One never has to ever manipulate a free gift.


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