Joel Osteen Interview - Short Take

I saw the article on CNN's website about the interview that Piers Morgan had with Joel & Victoria Osteen and I had to comment on what I read. Piers Morgan & Joel Osteen Finally! Joel admits that something is a sin! He didn't come out strongly, but it is a start. We can proclaim something as being a sin without condemnation and I feel that Joel actually did that to a degree by continually pointing to the scripture which is exactly how we should do it, but we should be confident in the Word as it stands. Joel was also asked about prosperity and to a great deal I agree with what he said. There is nothing wrong with having money as long as you love God more. There is a spirit (I believe) that is in the church today that tells us that if we have money we are sinful and that we need to be in lack in order to be holy. I strongly believe that as long as God is first in your life and that you use your money to bless others then God is pleased. Why else would He say "...