Are You Seeking More?

I have noticed a trend when it comes to Christians these days and I just had to address it. People are seeking more than just religion or church as usual. I am hearing of new ministries being formed and people going beyond what they were taught or what they have experienced because they feel emptiness inside. Don't worry... I truly believe this is God's way of "stirring up Jerusalem" again for a great move of God.

I'll be honest... Most churches are so traditional and so overly cultural that God is left in the background. The pastor has a special seat, there an official/unofficial dress code, the music is more Top 40 or sermons are full of lollipops and rainbows versus the Word of God. Sound familiar? Many are RUNNING away from denominational churches and heading to churches that are non-denominational. They are running away from dogma, traditions and fluff and they are running to where the Word is being taught and needs are being met. Real issues, real hunger and real desire to be in God's presence!

I don't advocate any particular church because I believe it's more about God than it is a specific organization. It's more about a group that hears a fresh Word from God and isn't afraid to proclaim it. I'm not a fan of a church that you can set your watch to or the kind that you go home the same way you arrived. I do love a church that shuns tradition in favor of the pure voice of God. If we truly seek the Lord we will find Him. As we search we must continually ask His guidance and His will until we reach the place that He wants us to be. They may not be in a nice building or a massive complex, but they may be just what Dr. Jesus ordered for you.

The Bible says that our traditions make the Word of no effect. We get in the way because we feel that if we do it this way instead of what THEY do then we get "holy points" with God and they don't. The true problem is RELIGION which is our system of doing things versus RELATIONSHIP which is personal with Christ alone. Nowhere will you find in the Bible (sorry Catholics) where the scriptures define a church. Unlike the manifestos that I have seen from multiple denominations none of them were word-for-word from the Bible. They were conjured up by people and written down by people and enacted by people.

Let me clarify... God HAS used people to form churches and assemblies. God HAS established spiritual elders to oversee us and to be used by God to assist us in this walk. However, the scriptures tell us to try everything by the Word of God. If it doesn't fit? We must forget! When God speaks it is clear and always has a witness. If an elder or leader says something it is our job to pray about it and ask God for confirmation. This applies to the Word, prophecy, life direction and worship life.

So, as I asked earlier... Are you searching for something more? Do you hunger after God and know that you aren't getting it in the church you are in, but afraid to venture out to find what you need? My answer? Don't be afraid! Let God lead you to the truth. Many of us are worried about being judged about how we look, what we do or who we associate with. God truly knows the heart and will not judge you IF you come to Him with a repentant heart and a desire to be with Him. Church people should be the same. How do you know if your church may be under the influence of human factors more than spiritual ones?

Here are some simple tests...

1. Wear jeans to church.

2. Make it your business to bring a bum or a prostitute to church.

3. Does "Building Up The Kingdom" refer to helping others outside of the church or is it for a new "_____________" for this church?

4. Are the leaders "self-elevating" or are they servants to the people?

5. Does this church revere a leader more than God Himself?


1. Come as you are. No one should judge what you wear. Demons wear Gucci suits too...

2. Jesus entertained the worst sinners and forgave them that sought forgiveness. From the tax collector (one was Matthew) to the woman at the well. Besides... they shouldn't judge because they might be more of a Christian than they are.

3. The Kingdom is the harvest. Workers go the field and not the field coming to them. The Church needs to leave the building and support true outreach to the lost, hungry, naked, poor and rejected.

4. Under-shepherds serve the shepherd. A shepherd would lay down his life for the sheep. A servant and a protector from evil. We honor them, but they should be more concerned about the sheep.

5. Our God is a jealous God. We should give honor where honor is due... To Christ first and then everyone else.

So many people are hurt and left lacking in our churches because we have left Christ on the outside and are more focused on the enterprise verses the mission. I have encountered so many people who have been hurt by traditions, derogatory remarks and the rejection of what is labeled as "Christ's Church" and it really saddens me. So many sit in these type of churches week after week, year after year and are spiritually damaged, spiritually stunted and spiritually malnourished. I hear from some people things like: "I would go to church, but I don't have any dress clothes" or "I can't go to church, I'm 16 with three kids" or "I've been locked up" or "I saw the pastor at the bar last night hitting on women" just to name a few. These hurt people are looking for answers and where are they going to find them? Where are they going to go if they don't know? Could going to wayward churches actually seal them to death in hell?

To summarize this I encourage anyone who is seeking more and feels empty to fast and pray to God that He reveals Himself to them. Because Adam left God in the Garden we have to press our way to God in earnest. God will fill your empty places and He will quench your hunger and thirst. Sometimes it’s in a church or group that you never ever considered or it may be outside of your current denomination. Is it hard to leave? Yes and no. How bad do you want to be finally satisfied? If you are truly hungry you will walk 10 miles to eat. If you seek God for direction He will speak to you and tell you where to go and many times it’s not where you are comfortable, but it is where you may feel like a stranger at first, but then the power of God makes you feel like family.

Dare to launch out into the deep... God bless you!


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