I Am So Sick Of "Cherch"!

I am personally on a crusade to eliminate and destroy the bondage of “cherch” traditions and “cherch” bureaucracies. Things the people have done & said for years and years have actually hurt the Body of Christ and they have prevented millions from actually accepting Jesus as their Savior. Many of these ministries are nothing more than modern-day houses of Pharisees who do nothing but look down their nose at the people that they are trying to “save” and get the tithe from and forgot where they were when they were a sinner. It’s really sad!

Nowhere in the Bible does it state how a church should do anything except live holy. It describes the officers and mission but never says how you should sing, pass the offering basket, clothes you should wear or where the officials should sit. All of this stuff is pure GARBAGE and is polluting the real church from being what it should be: a body of baptized believers!

It really sickens me to see all of the pomp and circumstance that “cherches” today are putting on. These people are strutting around with their suits and high-power dresses and outfits parading around like they are on the catwalks of Paris and showing how holy they are. They turn their noses up that person who shows up in jeans and a t-shirt, flip-flops or may smell like a liquor cabinet. Not all churches are like the fashion show, but many have the “oh-God-who-is-that-person-who-came-in-who-is-not-like-us” mentality and they immediately shun them or “help them out” by telling them how sinful they are or how they can’t come in their “cherch” like that!

That’s not what a relationship with Jesus truly is all about. When Jesus told the disciples to suffer the little ones to come to Him and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven was the clearest example. A kid will come up to you dirty, stinky, with a runny nose or whatever if they need something or like you. Anyone who comes to your house of worship looking for answers may not be in the best shape. Where were you when you came to your senses and realized that you needed Jesus? What did YOU look like?

I believe that the real Church needs to start winning souls live never before. Break down the barriers that have kept us inside of the four walls of “cherch” and let’s show the love of Christ to everyone and let Jesus do His perfect work. He said that if I (Jesus) be lifted up that He (Jesus) would draw all people to Him! I don’t care if you are a drunk, drug addict, a prostitute, gay, promiscuous, a liar, a thief or WHATEVER if you are seeking Jesus no one should be the hindrance that keeps a truth seeker from Him.

We don’t have to do anything but live and preach the Word of God. People need to be fed the Word of God and let the Word teach them where they need to be corrected. If we show Jesus’ Love and if we work according to the unadulterated Word of God Jesus will do the fixing and He will perform His perfect work in the lives of the Lost. Satan cannot thrive in a place where the Love of God abounds and Jesus is the Lord of that house! Stop interpreting Bible to suit your viewpoints and start LIVING IT! It is what it is and we as humans need to have an explanation for everything. Well, let me simplify it for the super religious trying to use their degrees and their high minded selves: Jesus is the answer! Let the Holy Ghost (the teacher) introduce Himself and he will reveal to you who God really is…

So I challenge any and everyone to get a closer and more pertinent relationship with Jesus Christ like never before. Religion is what we as humans made up to explain God when all we had to do is just get closer to Jesus on a personal level. No need to all of this complex crap that doesn’t matter. If you seek Him He will be found. Just start reading the Bible and literally talk to God. Not the nice poetic and structured prayer like the religious leaders of Jesus’ time (or modern times!), but talk to God like you talk to any other person (with reverence of course) and you will see who God really is…

He wants a relationship with us so lets chase after Him!

I implore anyone who is not saved or sure of where you will spend eternity please ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and that you wish Him to be the Lord of your life. No matter what you've done and no matter what you've been you are forgivable and Jesus will accept you back as His own. We all have to come to Jesus as broken and flawed as we are because He knows this and still loves us! No sinner's prayer and no pomp and circumstance. Just a one-to-one conversation with Jesus. Find a church that is focused on the Bible and not religion and then begin to read that same Bible like your life depended on it. Trust me, if you really want Jesus to live in and through you He will do just that.


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