Misunderstood Scriptures
I was reading online this morning about tattoos and the still yet ongoing debate about whether Christians should have them or not and it really struck me that there are so many scriptures quoted and used as doctrine, but are out of context and actually misused much like Leviticus 19:28. There are many things that I don't necessarily support, but are used to imprison God's people in a framework that is designed around the opinions of one person or a small group to suit their needs. This is not how the Bible should be used and interpreted because it ultimately causes division in the body of Christ. I'd like to take some time and review some really big scriptures used that are out of context, but should be between you, God and no one else. Leviticus 19:28 - Tattoos If we were to read the entire chapter we will see that this verse in a long list of do's and don't was referring to the actions that the Canaanites did as the Israelites were conquering their land. Eve...