
Showing posts from 2011

About Praise & Worship

What Is Praise? Praise means “to commend, to applaud or magnify.” For the Christian, praise to God is an expression of worship, lifting-up and glorifying the Lord. It is an expression of humbling ourselves and centering our attention upon the Lord with heart-felt expressions of love, adoration and thanksgiving. High praises bring our spirit into a pinnacle of fellowship and intimacy between ourselves and God — it magnifies our awareness of our spiritual union with the Most High God. Praise transports us into the realm of the supernatural and into the power of God. “Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance” (Psalms 89:15). There are many actions involved with praise to God — verbal expressions of adoration and thanksgiving, singing, playing instruments, shouting, dancing, lifting or clapping our hands. But true praise is not “merely” going through these motions. Jesus spoke about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, w...

Christians & Halloween

Halloween is the time of year when the world holds its festival to honor the powers of darkness -- the time when stores stock up on all the goodies that children seek as they make their way from door to door with their wails of "Trick or treat." Doting parents take pictures of them in their little costumes, dressed as witches, demons, monsters, and their favorite media characters. They no doubt think of how cute their kiddies look as they waddle about the neighborhood working their peculiar brand of blackmail. Humor aside, it's important that Christians consider the true meaning of this holiday called Halloween. Whether or not Christians should be a part of these festivities is a legitimate question. It's one among many concerning how God's people are to relate to the affairs of the world. If we are called to be holy and separated unto Him, we should seek to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise (Eph. 5:15 ). Many Christians think that Halloween is ...

Would Like Questions

I would like to take questions on any subject for the next posting. So if there are any whatsoever please email them to: Thanks and enjoy your Labor Day!!!

I Have Returned...

After going through some things and having God reshape and remold me yet again I return to this blog. I know that it's been a while, but this time was necessary because I now see that we are all "works in progress" and need to be shaken and stirred by God every so often so that we stay grounded and that we still in His will. Nothing “bad” happened to me, but I needed some time to regain some focus and to hear some answers from God which I did. We all need to hear from God on a DAILY basis and not just when we want something. God never makes mistakes nor does He put us or allow us to be in any situations that are meant to harm us or destroy us. On the contrary, our God wants us to depend on Him and see Him as our sole (soul) source of everything. When we see that God is much more that what religion says and see that He is everything and everywhere and all we need in this life. When we become at peace with God and enjoy a relationship with Him we will see that life isn’t ...

A Word On The Dangers Of Church Culture

I am really saddened by a lot of things that have been going on in the Body of Christ that I have experienced lately. I had to take a break from writing for a while just to get a real handle on what’s going on and how to address it. The need is so great to get the message out that the God of the Bible is the one and true God and that Jesus Christ is His Son is coming to a breaking point. So many people are avoiding becoming a Christian because of the actions of a few Christians or because of the many misconceptions that plague the real and true Christians out there. There are so many horror stories and so little time to write about them all in great detail. I’ve personally been to many churches of many kinds and denominations and I see a really disturbing trend in many of them which is their culture. You must dress a certain way, act a certain way to be holy, engage only certain people or identify yourself in public a certain way and none of these ways are concretely spelled out by s...

The Pagan Origin of Easter

Easter is a day that is honored by nearly all of contemporary Christianity and is used to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The holiday often involves a church service at sunrise, a feast which includes an "Easter Ham", decorated eggs and stories about rabbits. Those who love truth learn to ask questions, and many questions must be asked regarding the holiday of Easter. Is it truly the day when Jesus arose from the dead? Where did all of the strange customs come from, which have nothing to do with the resurrection of our Savior? The first thing we must understand is that professing Christians were not the only ones who celebrated a festival called "Easter." This festival called "Ishtar", which is pronounced "Easter”, was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called "Tammuz", who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god. In those ancient times, there was a man ...

Conversation with a Catholic Webmaster, Part II

Continuing from an earlier post I have had more conversations with a Catholic webmaster who challenged me and wanted to tout catholic doctrine above all others. Here is the email thread: So after many replies John replied to me: I suggest you read [the] book THE BIBLICAL BASIS FOR THE PAPACY for starters, in which you will learn that ALL of the early Church Fathers held to the Catholic view of the Papacy. And in [the] latest book THE BIBLICAL BASIS FOR TRADITION which came out last week, [There is] an entire chapter on the Fathers with hundreds of quotes from them proving historically that they not only believed in the papacy and the primacy of the Roman Church, but also apostolic succession, baptismal regeneration, the sacrifice of the Mass, the real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, oral apostolic Tradition, intercessory prayer, Purgatory, and a whole host of other Catholic doctrines which would force any honest non-Catholic to reconsider his position. There are simply hundre...

Do you know the true history of Lent?

Coming from the Anglo-Saxon Lencten, meaning “spring,” Lent originated in the ancient Babylonian mystery religion. “The forty days’ abstinence of Lent was directly borrowed from the worshipers of the Babylonian goddess…Among the Pagans this Lent seems to have been an indispensable preliminary to the great annual festival in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Tammuz” (The Two Babylons). Tammuz was the false Messiah of the Babylonians—a satanic counterfeit of Jesus Christ! The Feast of Tammuz was usually celebrated in June (also called the “month of Tammuz”). Lent was held 40 days before the feast, “celebrated by alternate weeping and rejoicing.” This is why Lent means “spring”; it took place from spring to early summer. The Bible records ancient Judah worshipping this false Messiah: “Then He brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz” (Ezek. 8:14-15). This was a great abom...

Random Thoughts

It's Super Bowl Sunday and as I watch the pre-game festivities and see the excitement that people have for the game and the fun I wonder why we as Christians aren't as excited about Jesus the way that so many are pumped about 60 minutes of football. We need to remember what is important in this life and that is how God is present in our lives and how He wants to operate and make a difference. I love football too and I am not saying that Christians shouldn't enjoy the game, but I am saying that we need to have this same sort of zeal everywhere we go as we are witnesses to the lost about how Jesus is Lord and how He saved our souls from Hell. Enjoy the game, but let's get excited about Jesus first and foremost! God Bless You!

Joel Osteen Interview - Short Take

I saw the article on CNN's website about the interview that Piers Morgan had with Joel & Victoria Osteen and I had to comment on what I read.  Piers Morgan & Joel Osteen Finally! Joel admits that something is a sin! He didn't come out strongly, but it is a start. We can proclaim something as being a sin without condemnation and I feel that Joel actually did that to a degree by continually pointing to the scripture which is exactly how we should do it, but we should be confident in the Word as it stands. Joel was also asked about prosperity and to a great deal I agree with what he said. There is nothing wrong with having money as long as you love God more. There is a spirit (I believe) that is in the church today that tells us that if we have money we are sinful and that we need to be in lack in order to be holy. I strongly believe that as long as God is first in your life and that you use your money to bless others then God is pleased. Why else would He say "...

Are You Seeking More?

I have noticed a trend when it comes to Christians these days and I just had to address it. People are seeking more than just religion or church as usual. I am hearing of new ministries being formed and people going beyond what they were taught or what they have experienced because they feel emptiness inside. Don't worry... I truly believe this is God's way of "stirring up Jerusalem" again for a great move of God. I'll be honest... Most churches are so traditional and so overly cultural that God is left in the background. The pastor has a special seat, there an official/unofficial dress code, the music is more Top 40 or sermons are full of lollipops and rainbows versus the Word of God. Sound familiar? Many are RUNNING away from denominational churches and heading to churches that are non-denominational. They are running away from dogma, traditions and fluff and they are running to where the Word is being taught and needs are being met. Real issues, real hunger a...

Conversation with a Catholic Webmaster

My journey to seek the truth in the Bible many times takes many twists and turns and I encounter many people along the way. I never seek to belittle or attack anyone, but I always approach people with the direct Word of God and nothing else. As I subscribe to no denominations, but to Christ directly I have and will continue to interface and refute any tradition or doctrine that is obviously contrary to the Bible. This is controversial, but necessary as souls are on the line. In this post Catholicism is the subject. As I was doing research I came across a site that claimed to back up Catholic doctrine with scriptures so I definitely began to read it and saw that there were many contradictions so I emailed the web-master who did reply to me. Here are the emails in their entirety. ____________________________________________________________________________ Hello John, Greeting in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I wanted to email you concerning your website [NAME OMIT...

Reaching The Lost

Friends, I cannot stress to you the passion and desire that I have for reaching the lost and helping win them over to Jesus. There are many people searching for answers or aren't sure about the "answers" that they have believed for most of their lives. We as true believers need to have compassion on them and love them as Jesus loved us. Too many people are trying to convert someone to their denomination versus winning them to Christ. We must show love and share the Word of God un filtered and unfettered from the traditions of man or the interpretations of "great men and women of God" as the Bible truly stands alone as a great masterpiece all by itself! Today, take the time to separate your witness from your denomination, bishop, pastor and ideal and simply illuminate God's Word. This is what can truly change the world! God Bless you!

I Have Returned - Send Me Your Questions!

After taking some time off to have a "spiritual self- search" I am back to writing this blog. I had to take some time off and evaluate my spiritual walk and my personal ministry to reach the lost with the message of a relationship with Christ versus being stuck in the confines of religion. I feel refreshed and renewed as I begin to write again. It was difficult and very stressful, but I had to go through the Refiner's Fire to be further purged by God in order for Him to get even more glory out of my life. That being said I am ready for new challenges and new doors to be open in my ministry. When I realized that I had reached a plateau in hwere I was in God I had to search further and lay before God again because I knew that He was calling me higher, but there was something that was hindering me from going there. It wasn't sin, but it was more surrendering that I had to do in order to be used by Him. So, that being said I will be changing how I do this blog, but I ...