
Showing posts from 2012


Scaffolding never stays on a completed structure. When a building is being built cranes, scaffolding, temporary elevators, service roads and temporary utilities are throughout the site, but as the building reaches each state of completeness these temporary things are removed and fall away. God has placed people in our lives to build us up for a season or to break us in order for us to be shaped i n the way that God has intended for us to be in. This is why when God completes a phase of our construction we shouldn't long for the things that brought us there. People, homes, relationships or jobs that shape us were meant for that season until that phase of us is completed. Everyone that is in our lives will not make it to when we are completed. Some people will hurt us and some will love us and build us up, but sometimes they must fall away too.   The jobs we lose, the homes we leave and the relationships that don't pan out were meant to transform us and not scar us. The trials w...

We Are The Workers

How many times have we all driven by a Road Work Zone on the way to our destination and noticed the Department of Highways have closed down a lane or slowed traffic for work? I think that we all have and one particular thing that I see sometimes is when there are about ten or fifteen people standing around while one person is actually working. We normally would quip something like "There's our tax dollars at work!" or "We don't pay you to lean! Get to work!" and think nothing of it. Its funny that while everyone is being paid only a few are working towards to the goal which reminds me of the role that the Church has in the world as it relates to gathering the Harvest which are the lost and weary souls that need Jesus. This reminds me of a very powerful scripture in Matthew 9:35-38 (NLT) Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of d...

Did Jesus Christ Exist? -- An Answer To Atheists

Here is an interesting study into whether or not Jesus Christ truly existed that I read that I wanted to share. I didn't write this study, but I concur and agree with it! ____________________________________________________________________________ Introduction One of the ideas that persist today is the "Jesus-myth" - the idea that Jesus did not even exist. This idea has been around for some time, and was first significantly publicized in the 1800's by a German scholar named Bruno Bauer. Does the "Jesus-myth" have any scholarly support? The answer is a definitive "no". One has to ignore a great deal of evidence, and treat the evidence left over most unfairly, in order to deny that Jesus existed. Support for the "Jesus-myth" does not come from historians, but from writers operating far out of their field.  For historians, the historicity of Jesus is as sure as that of Julius Caesar. Before we look at some of the availab...

Reclaiming The Church: The Time Is NOW!

It's time... It's time for us, the true followers of Jesus Christ, to stand up and reclaim the Church. For far too long the Body of Christ has slumbered and slept while the devourer has claimed our congregations, regions, cities, states and country. We have been lulled to sleep by the Era of Political Correctness and have neutered ourselves to please everyone and everything in sight except for Jesus Christ. We need to take a stand and root out the enemy and bring The Word of God back to the forefront where it belongs. There are far too many wolves in sheep’s clothing in our pulpits, in our music industry and on the airwaves. Counterfeits who claim to work within the Power of God, but they are as far from God as the East is from the West. With their charisma and seduction they have millions running towards prosperity, signs and wonders for themselves versus being concerned for the lost, hungry, needy, widowed and abused. They have us persuaded in politics to be th...