We Are The Workers

How many times have we all driven by a Road Work Zone on the way to our destination and noticed the Department of Highways have closed down a lane or slowed traffic for work? I think that we all have and one particular thing that I see sometimes is when there are about ten or fifteen people standing around while one person is actually working. We normally would quip something like "There's our tax dollars at work!" or "We don't pay you to lean! Get to work!" and think nothing of it. Its funny that while everyone is being paid only a few are working towards to the goal which reminds me of the role that the Church has in the world as it relates to gathering the Harvest which are the lost and weary souls that need Jesus.

This reminds me of a very powerful scripture in Matthew 9:35-38 (NLT)

Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

Not long ago I had a dream about this scripture, but there was a twist. There were plenty of people in the field, but there were very few people actually GATHERING the harvest! The sun was setting and those who were working were gathering so fast that their hands were a blur trying to bring in what they could while others were arguing with each other about "how to harvest", "how to place in the baskets", "how to hold the basket" and on and on and on. Some were bickering amongst themselves and some were were asleep in the field. Some were busy tending to themselves. Others had no basket at all and were lost wandering about. All the while in the distance the Lord of The Harvest was coming with fire in His hand ready to burn up the field and what was yet to be harvested!

I think that churches all over the world are spending more time arguing about how to reach the lost than actually going out to evangelize and proclaim that Jesus is Lord! How do we baptize? How do we worship? When do we worship? What offices do we need? Where can we worship? What do we wear? I mean the list goes on and on... All the while the lost are dying and ending up in Hell because of our inaction. The widows still are without help. The orphans are without parents, The poor are still sliding into desperation and the hungry go to sleep at the brink of death.

The Bible tells us to just go out to the hedges and highways and tell everyone who Jesus is and what He has done for us! Workers don't decide on what kind of standards for the harvest. Workers just gather and the Lord of the Harvest determines what to do with each harvested item. If we use oranges for an example some are selected for orange juice, some are selected for jams and jellies, some are selected for by products and some are selected for seeds to be replanted. Who makes that decision? The processing plant. It is not up to us to say "I don't want to witness to drug dealers" or "Those atheists won't listen anyway" because it is not our call to make! Jesus dies for EVERY SINGLE one of us! He didn't go to the Cross and say "I am only going to die for those who love me!" No! Jesus died for all and gave us access to Him directly as we are ALL called to repentance!

Jesus said that the wheat and the tares grow together and that HE would separate them. HE would do it! Who cares who we reach and who we think are worthy of the Greatest Gift to the world Who is JESUS CHRIST? We must reach all, help all, serve all and love all people. Jesus went everywhere and showed His Love. Jesus reached people to the level that when under persecution that they were willing to die for their faith! They didn't care who heard them witness or who saw them doing good deeds.

Let me say this... We must present Christ as He is in His Word and no other way. The greatest tool of reaching the lost souls is not by a process, but by The Word of God and what He has done for us. We don't need to argue over any of this stuff. We just need to follow the scriptures and reach out to everyone we can before it is too late and Christ returns. Our mission and goal in this world is to spread the message of Christ. Share that salvation is in Jesus and that a relationship with Him supersedes the shackles of religion. We are workers must want to reach every person we see actively or passively. Many people see us every day and make their choices on whether they want to serve our God or not. We represent Christ in all things as His followers. We cannot effectively reach people if our "Living Epistle" shuns people from us. I think that Mahatma Gandhi said it best:

“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.”

Sad... Imagine that this plays out in society everywhere. We have so many "Christians" who act otherwise and are not reaching people in love about the message of Jesus. Others don't do anything at all except serve themselves and turn a blind eye to the things that break God's Heart. Jesus was on a mission and we need to be on one too. Yes, we have our differences, but we all want to know Jesus as Christians. We all want to chase after Him and seek His Face so that we may know Him and serve Him. We should be excited to tell everyone "Look! I was a (Insert Whatever) and Jesus saved me and everyday I want Jesus more than (Whatever It Was)!"

Stick with the Word of God. We don't need to add anything or change anything. The Bible has been taught as it is for centuries and billions have come to accept Him as Lord and Savior. That's all we need to do to becomes good workers of the Harvest. Let's get out there and reach them all before its too late!


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