Reclaiming The Church: The Time Is NOW!

It's time...

It's time for us, the true followers of Jesus Christ, to stand up and reclaim the Church. For far too long the Body of Christ has slumbered and slept while the devourer has claimed our congregations, regions, cities, states and country. We have been lulled to sleep by the Era of Political Correctness and have neutered ourselves to please everyone and everything in sight except for Jesus Christ. We need to take a stand and root out the enemy and bring The Word of God back to the forefront where it belongs.

There are far too many wolves in sheep’s clothing in our pulpits, in our music industry and on the airwaves. Counterfeits who claim to work within the Power of God, but they are as far from God as the East is from the West. With their charisma and seduction they have millions running towards prosperity, signs and wonders for themselves versus being concerned for the lost, hungry, needy, widowed and abused. They have us persuaded in politics to be the “God” candidate while they only want our votes and stand for nothing more than their greed and corruptive practices. The illusion is that we must fight them with how they are beating us, but that’s not how we do that. Their movement is not an accident, but has been planned and schemed from day one. The Bible references this many times.

The good news is that God is on our side if we are willing to join Him and recognize that He is the only solution. I believe that while society will continue in its downward spiral we can begin to claim the harvest for Christ. Now is the time to teach, preach and live the true Gospel of Christ before it’s too late!


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