
Showing posts from 2010

Merry Christmas

I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I've been taking some time off lately to handle some personal issues, but know that I am still here and I will be updating this blog a little more often as time progresses. Remember, we are celebrating His birth, but more importantly it was His death and His resurrection that saved us all. This Christmas remember that He came to be born and to die for the sins of the world. God Bless you all and Merry Christmas!

Misunderstood Scriptures

I was reading online this morning about tattoos and the still yet ongoing debate about whether Christians should have them or not and it really struck me that there are so many scriptures quoted and used as doctrine, but are out of context and actually misused much like Leviticus 19:28. There are many things that I don't necessarily support, but are used to imprison God's people in a framework that is designed around the opinions of one person or a small group to suit their needs. This is not how the Bible should be used and interpreted because it ultimately causes division in the body of Christ. I'd like to take some time and review some really big scriptures used that are out of context, but should be between you, God and no one else. Leviticus 19:28 - Tattoos If we were to read the entire chapter we will see that this verse in a long list of do's and don't was referring to the actions that the Canaanites did as the Israelites were conquering their land. Eve...

A Word About The End Times

As I listen to the messages and ministries of many churches across our great land I very rarely hear any messages concerning the End of Days and how close we are to them beginning. Although this subject to many is a very confusing and seemingly mystic subject it is what each of us has to know not to understand it, but to avoid it. This post won't be laden full of scriptures and scary images I promise you, but I will say this: Everything that is happening now has been written in the Bible many years before it happened. The instability of the Middle East started with two half-brothers Ishmael & Isaac. Both are sons of Abraham and both are heirs to his legacy. These branches of Abraham are the Arabs and the Jews. Both took two very different paths yet they both claim the same prize: Jerusalem. Let me in on a well-know secret: There will not be peace in the Middle East or the world sadly until after Jesus returns for His Church and millions of Christians and innocent children w...

God And Homosexuality

I have a warning to the readers of this post. I am a Christian and I fervently believe all that the Bible says and the will and Word of God. I love every person on this planet and I have the love of Jesus Christ on the inside of me and it is manifested each and every day. Simply put: I love people. This issue of homosexuality being something we are inborn is not only incorrect, but is the greatest lie that Satan has ever told. A behavior is a choice, but a skin color or genetic trait is not. If you wish to hate me for this viewpoint please know that I love you all, but like God I cannot and will not condone or stand up for sin in any form. For the record, I do not condone any violence or harm to come to anyone in this lifestyle choice. I just pray that before its too late that you meet Jesus Christ and let Him reveal to you His perfect plan. The Bible is right and is the most persecuted book on the Earth which should make people take notice of what it stands for which is the truth. The...

God Is Not A Vending Machine

This is a repost of a synopsis on this site, but I thought that it would be very helpful: Buy the book if you want to know more... Full Text of God Is not a Vending Machine Before explaining what I mean by “God is not a vending machine,” let’s think about vending machines for a moment. They are pretty simple minded really. Drop in a few coins, get your pop, candy or treat, turn your back and walk away. You do your part, they do their part and everybody’s happy. Except when they don’t do their part. The vending machine “eats” your coin and you find yourself tapping, pounding, kicking or otherwise inducing it to respond the way you expected. Sometimes it coughs up the product and sometimes you walk away with neither your coins or treats and brimming with frustration. We won’t waste our time on that machine that doesn’t act the way it should. Imagine for a moment treating your loved one that way. Give them gifts ...

Christians Should Avoid Halloween

Halloween is the time of year when the world holds its festival to honor the powers of darkness -- the time when stores stock up on all the goodies that children seek as they make their way from door to door with their wails of "Trick or treat." Doting parents take pictures of them in their little costumes, dressed as witches, demons, monsters, and their favorite media characters. They no doubt think of how cute their kiddies look as they waddle about the neighborhood working their peculiar brand of blackmail. Humor aside, it's important that Christians consider the true meaning of this holiday called Hallowe'en. Whether or not Christians should be a part of these festivities is a legitimate question. It's one among many concerning how God's people are to relate to the affairs of the world. If we are called to be holy and separated unto Him, we should seek to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise (Eph. 5:15). Many Christians think that Hallowe'...

Yes, Homosexuality Is A SIN!

I can no longer remain silent on one of the greatest offenses to God Our Creator which is homosexuality. There are those who like to say that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality and they are sadly mistaken. Various verses are cited (out of context) and the verses that people use to show that homosexuality is wrong are explained away. The world wants to change God's words and meanings into something more suitable to its sinful desires. Nevertheless, the truth stands: The Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin and here is what it says. Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them" 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither f...

A Word On Bishop Eddie L. Long

I have been asked by many people my stance or position on what's happening to the pastor of the Newbirth Church Bishop Eddie Long and the charges against him for soliciting homosexual sex and favors. I find this to be an extremely sad situation that has befallen this prominent Black Pastor and his congregation and I feel that it is time that I weigh in on this heavy situation. First, let me say that I do not speak of Pastor Long's innocence or guilt as it pertains to this issue. That is truly between him and Jesus Christ and honestly we can say one way or the other what we feel, but ultimately the truth is truly known to those who are involved. I do speak of the fact that in the Body of Christ many people are edified to near deity proportions when they should be focusing on their relationship with Jesus Christ directly. I feel compassion for those in Pastor Long's congregation and those around the world who will lose faith in Jesus based on what they perceive of Pastor Lo...

Let The Truth Be Told...

Today a non-scripture laden post in favor of just us chatting with each other... There are many times where we as Christians run low on our faith. There are many times when we as people even question if God is actually out there looking out for us and actually listening to us. I've been there too and trust me it is not an easy feeling. Many times when we are going through a storm it seems that no matter how much we pray, fast or praise and worship the answers don't seem to be flowing from Heaven and nor does the relief of our struggles. Many times we get to the end of our ropes and hold on by a ripping fiber ready to plunge into the abyss and wonder "Why aren't you listening God? Don't you see that I am about to die???" The truth be told? God is listening and He is caring and He is for you and not against you. It seems hard because we expect the Heavenly Hosts to swoop in with 10,000 angels and the Hand of God pointing two fingers at you saying "Thou ...

What Is Going On With Our Churches?

I can honestly say that I have been in church all of my life and I have seen many things and I have experienced many experiences good and bad. After being raised in a denominational church and now non-denominational has really given me a view of church that I wish to share with you all because I know that it's time for silly traditions and silly rhetoric to come to an end. Point blank many churches are watered down social clubs and are ineffective at fulfilling the Great Commission. Many churches today are sad collections of broken-down, sick, broke or spiritually blinded people. The true Gospel is shunned because it is "too harsh" or "to controversial" and is replaced by a watered-down theology that either tickles the ear with a never-ending laugh track or it focuses on the manipulation of people. The Bible is absolute and it is sound and it is written that the Holy Spirit would be our Teacher and show us all things, but people see the need to twist the scriptu...

I Am So Sick Of "Cherch"!

I am personally on a crusade to eliminate and destroy the bondage of “cherch” traditions and “cherch” bureaucracies. Things the people have done & said for years and years have actually hurt the Body of Christ and they have prevented millions from actually accepting Jesus as their Savior. Many of these ministries are nothing more than modern-day houses of Pharisees who do nothing but look down their nose at the people that they are trying to “save” and get the tithe from and forgot where they were when they were a sinner. It’s really sad! Nowhere in the Bible does it state how a church should do anything except live holy. It describes the officers and mission but never says how you should sing, pass the offering basket, clothes you should wear or where the officials should sit. All of this stuff is pure GARBAGE and is polluting the real church from being what it should be: a body of baptized believers! It really sickens me to see all of the pomp and circumstance that “cherches”...

The Idolatry Of Mary, the mother of Jesus

Continuing with the posts that I know will not be received well we will look at the horrific idolization of the mother of Jesus Christ. She is "venerated" by members of the Catholic faith, but it is completely against the Bible and is satanic and witchcraft. I implore any Catholic who may read these words and be infuriated stop and get out a Bible and read for yourself what God has to say in his Word! I love you and I want you to see what the Bible has to say about how we are to relate to God and how He relates to us! When St. Paul was preaching in Ephesus, he had an exceptionally serious problem with the local idolatry. In fact, this is the only time that the Bible says that persecution of Christians came directly from the conflict of the Church with idolatry. The people of Ephesus, prior to the introduction of the Christian Faith, had mainly been worshippers of the pagan Greek goddess Artemis, also known by her Roman name, Diana. This was one of the largest active pagan...

A Very Delicate Subject

Over the next few posts I will be covering a subject very dear to me, but if I cover it I will be labeled a bigot, a discriminant and completely uncouth. However, it is necessary for the illumination of the scriptures to those who are rapidly spinning out of control towards a Godless Hell. People a truly headed toward an end that they will not expect and that the great deceiver who is the adversary has plotted since his removal from the heavenly hosts. Let me begin by saying that I am not a hate-monger nor am I advocating anyone who is a "hater" and a bigot, but the truth of the Word of God is indeed the truth no matter how you stretch it. If what the Bible says is offensive to you I suggest that you inquire with its ultimate author God.. Now to the difficult task at hand... There is a religious system that  began at Babel shortly after the flood. Nimrod, the mighty one, established his kingdom and built many great cities. One of these was Babel, which later...